My purpose in creating this chart is for several reasons. The first is to show that all religions are not the same. Each religion has its own belief system, teaching and priority. They all have similarities and many overlap but each one is actually unique.
It is true that the variations on each religion is endless. These variations are fusions of the origial teachings & culture. I tried to stick with the actual written teachings as best as I could. I picked a common view and also tried to present it in the words of their own followers.
The second reason is for people to look the chart over and see which religion their personal belief system actually lines up with. Do you believe the same as the religion that you profess to be?
I also find it interesting to see the source of morals or teachings I hear in our culture. From a Judeo-Christian perspective the bible teaches "no other gods". In order to follow that wouldn't it be helpf ul to know what the other "gods" are teaching?
The last reason was because people would say that I was a Christian because I had never been exposed to other religions. When I looked for charts that addressed the questions that I had I couldn't find one. So I asked all my questions and then filled in the blanks. I still prefer Christianity.
I think that making Love the #1 priortiy makes the most sense. I acknowledge that "taking care of myself, avioding suffering: trying to be happy, obeying the law, and our endless struggles with others are a part of life and are important. However I do not agree that these are the things I want to filter my choices thru. I agree with Jesus that LOVE needs to be our filter thus the #1 priority. As a result there will be times we will sacrifice ourselves for others, suffer for the cause of good, lobby to change an injust law or pursue its intention versus push thru on a technicality. There are times when Love will calm a struggle versus inflame it. Love needs to be our filter......the priority.
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